Internet Marketing presents an opportunity to make a final entrepreneurs around the mass retail. Little Pim we had scaled the walls of retail since we started selling four years ago, and we quickly realized that we could develop our own customer base online with a creative, focused, and um, entrepreneurship.
As a new brand in a crowded children, we have an uber-focused on selling online, and this holiday season we see the return. For the third consecutive quarter, we have seen a 40% increase in direct sales to our customers. Here is what worked for us:
• Understand the buyer's journey.
In the past we have many distinct advantages offered using only discounts, ranging from 20% off to buy-one-get-one-free. Take a minute to understand the chain of decisions of your potential customers, and what is most important to them. Once you do that, you can match the right offer. We now offer a free trial of our products to get leads into the funnel. Then we try and educate them about the value of language learning, and throws bid tasty offer from time to time. With a multi-staged approach, we begin to see higher conversion rates and lower CPA.
• Use Google, and learn how to use it well.
Take the hosts webinar on Google tools, and be sure to keep up with fast-changing services they offer. Ask fellow CEOs what works for them. Google Ads, SEO and YouTube marketing can make or break your online presence. Analyze what works and what does not with accuracy and tweaked often, but not only offer creative too.
• Turbo-charge your customer service.
Make sure anyone who answers the phone is ready to upsell, offering special discounts and incentives and take orders on the phone. Getting customers to call or click is only half the equation. Taking a page from the book Zappos' customer service and make sure the person you understand your product, understand your customers, and is a pleasure to speak with.
• Quality vs. Quantity: Stay focused.
We have had great success cultivating a small number of people and guide them through the sales funnel is very deliberate, rather than when we cast a wide net to people who may not be fully in line with our target customers.
• Experiment.
We set aside 25% of our marketing budget to try new things. There are so many new tools, services and media to try. Unless you are tight on budget setting aside, you can continue doing the same thing over and over again and lose the chance to discover new things that could end up seriously pay off.
Friday, 5 April 2013
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